Foster Care

Currently in Alabama, there are hundreds of teenagers that need an adult just like you to offer them a place in your family. They need an adult to share their insight and guidance. They need an adult to offer them encouragement when they’re down, and support them when they’ve done well. By providing foster care to teenagers, you can not only help a teen realize their full potential, but you also give them a safe, educational, and caring environment in which to do it.
Who are the teenagers who need foster care?
- Healthy, average teenagers
- Teenagers who have been neglected, physically abused, or sexually abused
- Teenagers with backgrounds or experiences that have placed them at risk
- Teenagers of all ethnic groups
- Teenagers with various degrees of mental, physical, and emotional problems
- Teenagers who have brothers and sisters that must be placed with them
Family is critical for young people in foster care. Congregate care facilities have long-term impacts on their well-being, family connections and transition to adulthood, especially if these placements can stretch on for years.
Youth in Alabama’s foster care system share the need for a caring and committed family that can bring them the future they deserve. You can make a world of difference when you open your home to care for a teen. Because you not only foster a teen’s growth and happiness, but you also foster a brighter future – for all of us.