Avontae, Alondae & Ameria H.

Alondae was born December 2010. He enjoys playing outside, coloring and playing ball. Alondae has an infectious smile and he is willing to be helpful.He loves math and letters. .
Avontae born in June 2012 is all boy with a huge heart. He enjoys playing outside and doing “boy” stuff. Avontae is currently in preschool and thriving in a structured environment.
Ameria born December 2010 enjoys playing with her dolls and jumping on the trampoline. If she could plan a day she would choose to go to the zoo or get her nails painted. Ameria is on track socially and educationally for her age. She does attend daycare and will be moving to preschool this year. She has no problems being herself and is very affectionate.