
Brianna, born March 2006, is a sweet and active child who finds fun and enjoyment in everyday life. She is very energetic and positive. She is loving and friendly; she enjoys interacting with other people. She shows interest in helping take care of younger children and generally tries to make sure the people around her are happy and having a good time. She is quick to notice the positive attributes of others. She compliments and encourages others regularly.
When she grows up she wants to be “a police lady” so she can help people. At times she has difficulty accepting authority and at times exhibits defiance and behavioral challenges. Brianna is a “girly girl” and enjoys doing hair, nails, make-up and styling different outfits.
She is also athletic. Her favorite sport is basketball, but she enjoys running and playing other sports. She is intelligent and does very well in school, although she does struggle at times with behavior. She has issues with focus and attention and needs a high level of supervision in order to stay on task and follow rules. She takes genuine interest in her homework and school projects. Her best subject is math.
Brianna very much enjoys receiving positive attention from the adults in her environment and responds very well to positive praise and rewards for good behavior. Being able to play sports is a good outlet for her energy. Brianna wants to be placed with a family and would benefit from a loving, permanent home in which she would continue to receive positive attention and encouragement.