Jeffrey R.

Jeffrey is a smart and energetic boy born January 1999. He is very hands-on motivated and enjoys electronics. Jeffrey is interested in how things work and likes to take things apart and figure out how to put them back together.
Jeffrey does well in school, especially in a small classroom setting. He is a people pleaser who likes to contribute to household responsibilities. He relates well to younger children but would benefit from an older male sibling who could be a positive role model for him. Jeffery has problems making friends. He is learning more appropriate social skills, so this problem is expected to improve. He is very likable but also requires a lot of attention to make him feel needed and loved.
Jeffrey wishes to have a two-parent family that is active in church. He needs structure as well as someone to take the time to teach him the independent living skills needed to become a successful adult. Jeffery longs for a forever family.