Jenna & Sebastian

Jenna, born May 2002 is outgoing and sweet. She may be shy at first but opens up and has a bubbly personality. Jenna has participated in community theatre and did well. She was on color guard at school. She loves attention and the spotlight when she feels supported. Jenna aims to please and is helpful around the home. Jenna is the oldest child and has done a lot to care for herself and her brother. Jenna is reluctant to open herself up to another family, but once she sees potential in the relationship she will bond strong and quick. Jenna is a typical teenage girl interested in clothes, electronics and friends. She does well with any age group and loves animals. Jenna would like young energetic parents where her mother figure would like to gets nails and hair done together or spend a day shopping.
Sebastian, born April 2004 is a sweet, loving child. He longs for a father figure who is young and energetic enough to do things with him. He enjoys fixing things around the home, helping to mow the yard, and one on one time doing fun things together. Sebastian also loves the attention of a mother to talk with and spend quality time with him. Sebastian is respectful and will do what is asked of him. He does well with much younger children and is patient with them. Sebastian struggles with male children in his own age range. He and his sister argue like siblings but love each other tremendously. Sebastian would rather interact with the family than be entertained by electronic devices. Sebastian likes animals and doing outdoor activities. He needs extra help with his school work, as he struggles from his multiple moves. Sebastian is able to bond and attach. He is witty and likes to joke around.