Jessica J.

Jessica was born August 2005. She loves school and playing with friends during free time and at PE. Her teachers describe her as always smiling, a hard worker, and eager to learn new things. She is working on basic skills that include reading sight words, reading comprehension, single digit addition/subtraction, and counting coins. Jessica has cognitive delays and is in a multi-handicapped classroom setting. She thrives with a consistent daily routine.
Jessica likes going to the zoo and loves all kinds of animals- though she says her favorite animal is a dog. Her favorite food is hamburgers, and she loves going to McDonald’s. Jessica also enjoys spending time with her friends outside of school when they play hide-n-seek and kick ball and ride bicycles. Jessica enjoys attending church where her favorite thing is the singing. Her caregiver describes her as loving and caring. Her caregiver also reports that it is unforgettable when Jessica expresses her feelings and says, “I love you so much.”