Justus V.

Justus, born April 2011, is a very smart and sweet boy. He enjoys riding his bike, playing with toys and watching videos on his iPad. Justus wants to be a builder when he grows up. He loves to build with Legos. He has a big appetite and his favorite foods are macaroni and cheese, hamburgers, rice, steak and eggs. His ideal birthday party would be a Lego party. He really wants to visit Legoland one day. Justus loves remote control cars and playing video games. Justus enjoys individual activities more than group activities. He can be a big helper when prompted and has a big heart. Justus excels in drawing, coloring and academics. He is an exceptionally intelligent child. He is mostly upbeat and very hyperactive throughout the day. Justus needs a family that will provide consistent structure, has patience and plenty of unconditional love.