Mackenzie & Tyler T.

Mackenzie, born January 2009 likes to play with dolls and stuffed animals. She loves to play outside. She particularly loves dogs. Mackenzie likes to play with other children, to ride her bike, read and color. She is very smart and does well in school. Mackenzie always has a big smile on her face. She is very loving and likes hugs. She love interacting with, and meeting new people.
Tyler, born December 2009 likes to play with sand, play dough, dinosaurs, and super heroes. He loves dogs. He likes Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Paw Patrol and Power Rangers. He loves to play outside but he has allergies so there are times he has to stay inside. Tyler loves video games. He likes to play Temple Run on his tablet. If he could plan a day all about him, he would most enjoy playing with the iPad, having a playdate with his sister while they play with toys.
Tyler loves to hug. He loves his sister, and enjoys playing all types of games…he’s especially good with puzzles.
Mackenzie and Tyler both love affection in the form of hugs and kisses. They also like to sit in your lap or up close to you. They like to hold hands and frequently give their caretakers hugs for no reason.