Patrick, Angel & Austin

Patrick, born August 2001 is a kind, well-mannered young man who loves sports! He plays football, baseball and basketball. Patrick aspires to attend college one day and maybe even be a pro football player! He is a good student. He enjoys video games, TV and hanging out with friends. Patrick loves Auburn football and Rotel Dip with chips! He describes himself as competitive and when he loses it makes him want to try harder! Patrick is currently not placed with his siblings but they aspire to be together again as a family. Patrick has a ton of potential and is a great kid!
Angel, born December 2003 is an attractive young lady with an aspiration to be a teacher one day! She loves to draw and design fashion as well! Angel enjoys reading, riding bikes and loves the color pink. She is a big sister to her baby brother and likes to show her authority and help in that role. Angel enjoys time with friends and loved taking dance classes in the past. Angel is not currently placed with her brothers but hopes to be reunited through adoption!
Austin, born January 2010 is an adorable, active little boy! He loves Batman and running through the house with his cape on! He likes to play with friends, ride bikes, plays with cars and legos. He is an incredibly bright child with clear articulate speech for his age. He enjoys preschool and misses his sister and brother. Hopefully these three can be reunited through a forever family formed by adoption!