Scarlett “Cheyenne”

Scarlett, “Cheyenne”, born November 2007, is sweet, polite, shy and introverted. Cheyenne is an extremely creative teen that has a natural ability to draw. She especially loves anime drawings. While shy and soft spoken, Cheyenne is an assertive communicator when she needs to be. She can be a little “sassy” in a playful way. She loves to ‘playfully” argue with adults to make her point on any given matter. She has mentioned she likes to write short stories and English is her favorite subject at school. She loves caring for animals, especially canines. She has stated on several occasions that she would like to be the only child in a home. Cheyenne loves music such as Green Day, AC/DC and Kiss. She is an old soul. It takes a while for her to trust people and open up to others. When she does make a friend, she is extremely loyal.